
mx-robotics e.U. provides know-how and solutions in the field of autonomous mobile systems.

We support you on issues related to

  • navigation,

  • self-localization,

  • path-planning or

  • frameworks (ROS, ROS2, MRPT, ...).

For more details, please contact us.

The TransportBuddy was presented at the IFM Congress 2019 at the Vienna University of Technology

The TransportBuddy is the result of a national research project with a novel navigation system and a pressure sensitive skin. The aim of "TransportBuddy" research project was to develop an autonomous vehicle that allows for transporting small goods or freight (e.g. purchases), thereby supporting footpaths and improving accessibility.

The TransportBuddy was presented at the Alpha Talk for an international Supermarket

The TransportBuddy is the result of a national research project with a novel navigation system and a pressure sensitive skin. The aim of "TransportBuddy" research project was to develop an autonomous vehicle that allows for transporting small goods or freight (e.g. purchases), thereby supporting footpaths and improving accessibility.

Patent on:

Independent Offset Wheel Steering: An Improved Approach to Wheeled Mobile Robot Locomotion

  • Patent: A 502321/2018 - Mobiles System

  • TU Wien, M. Bader and G. Todoran


Coordination of Multiple Autonomous Vehicles: Extended Spatial-Temporal Prioritized Planning, by Benjamin Binder, Florian Beck, Felix König and Markus Bader

Research work on coordinated driving with hundreds of autonomous vehicles is going to be presented at the IROS 2019.


Map Based Human Motion Prediction for People Tracking*, by Florian Beck and Markus Bader

Abstract— Mobile service robots deployed in populated environments like train stations, airports or offices are not only required to move safely, but also in socially acceptable ways. In order to achieve this, robots need to be able to track people within their vicinity. This work presents an approach to tracking people from a mobile robot platform, incorporating a novel approach to human motion prediction. Unfavorable viewing angles, motion blur and ever-changing light conditions are constant issues for sensors on mobile vehicles. Therefore, a system is needed which increases the tracking quality of humans in order to cope with a low detection rate. In order to predict human motion more precisely, we are integrating a map of the environment, as well as historical spatial data of pedestrians in our particle-filter-based tracking approach. Experiments conducted prove that better motion priors increase tracking quality, especially at a low detection rate

Interactive presentation and Podium presentation

Our paper TransportBuddy: Navigation in Human Accessible Spaces was preseneted at the 7th Transport Research Arena (TRA2018) in Vienna, Austria. We also presented our current evaluation platform used in the Transport Buddy research project in the interactive zone. The vehicle was able to drive autonomously through the exhibition alongside untrained people

Business Treff "Automatisiertes Fahren" der Wirtschaftsagentur Wien am 31. Mai 2017

Gastvortrag zum Thema: „Autonomes Navigieren, abseits Straßen unter Menschen“.

Beim Business Treff „Automatisiertes Fahren - sicher, praktisch, effizient?" werde ich über meine Forschung und den Einsatz von autonomen Fahrzeugen abseits der Strassen referieren.

Details & Programm

9. Internationaler Facility Management Kongress 17. und 18. November 2016 an der TU Wien

Podiumsdisussion zum Thema "Servie of the Future?

Facility Services der Zukunft: Mensch oder Maschine? Industrie 4.0. und Digitalisierung ist in aller Munde. Aber was ist schon möglich? Was (noch) nicht und was rechnet sich? Prof. Markus Vincze und Dr. Markus Bader (TU Wien) präsentieren die Möglichkeiten der Digitalisierung und derzeitigen Automatisierung im Management und Betrieb von Gebäuden aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht. Michael Freitag, Gerhard Schenk und Peter Ankerstjerne, Geschäftsführer von Sodexo, HSG Zander und ISS (DK) diskutieren die praktische Anwendbarkeit und reflektieren, wie sie die Zukunft sehen.

[Source: TUW-Wien News]


TUesday: Mobile Robotik - Was geht wirklich

Dienstag, 30. Juni 2015

Die TU Wien und Kino unter Sternen laden zur kritischen Auseinandersetzung mit der Darstellung von Technik und Wissenschaft im Film ein.

Unter dem Motto science (in) fiction werden technische Errungenschaften aus sehr unterschiedlichen Fachbereichen präsentiert. Forscher_innen der TU Wien zeig(t)en an den Cinema TUesdays im Vorprogramm zu den jeweiligen Filmen den Bezug zu ihrer eigenen Arbeit auf und stellen vor, was machbar ist, was bereits eingesetzt wird und was definitiv ins Reich der Fantasie gehört.